Fish for your Pond and Lake Stocking Needs!
It is the goal of Freshwater Fish Company to provide fish for your pond and lake stocking needs that are raised from eggs/fry on our farms to ensure that we have the healthiest and strongest fish available for our clients. These fish are feed the highest quality food available and are closely monitored by trained staff who live on the farms.
If you are interested in purchasing and having fish delivered for your pond or lake, please send us an email at Our minimum order generally starts at $1,000 (depending on your location in California and we have a delivery charge of $3.50/mile one-way.
Largemouth Bass
Largemouth bass are a popular freshwater game fish. When stocked properly with an adequate supply of bluegill and sunfish, these fish may grow as much as 1 to 1 1/2 pounds per season. We currently only have northern strain bass in various sizes.

Bluegill are a good forage base for a pond or lake that maintains predatory fish such as bass. Their prolific reproductive nature means they can spawn multiple times throughout a given year. High population density retards growth while the opposite occurs with low density. Bluegill primarily consume zooplankton, insects, and other invertebrates.
Channel Catfish
Channel catfish are one of the easiest fish to manage in your pond or lake. They can feed on a live forage or you can supplement with a commercial feed. Supplemental feeding will often allow the catfish to achieve growth rates sometimes exceeding 1 1/2 pounds per season.
Redeared Sunfish
Redeared sunfish are a good substitute or addition to a pond with bluegill, and generally grow from 1 to 2 pounds. Many people desire to have redeared sunfish in their lakes because they eat snails. We grow a small amount of this species and have them available several times throughout the year.
Hybrid Carp
Hybrid carp are a cross between common carp and goldfish (sterile and does not reproduce). They are extremely hardy to various water conditions. Hybrid carp grow from 1 to 2 pounds per year and are a prized fish in the live Asian fish market. Hybrid carp require a permit by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to stock in your pond. Our customers purchase hybrid carp for their aquaponics systems.
White Sturgeon SOLD OUT FOR 2018

Mosquitofish (gambusia) live in shallow areas and on the surface of ponds and provide great forage for larger fish. They are commonly known for their ability to control mosquito larvae. They are live-bearing and produce 3-4 broods per year. The life span is from about six to fifteen months. For more information check out the Mosquitofish Page .
Prices of the Fish we Raise
Generally, prices for 1-6 inch fingerlings (bass, bluegill, catfish, hybrid carp, redeared sunfish) range from $1.00 to $5.00 depending on quantity, time of year and availability. Larger sizes are sometimes available. Email us at and let us know what sizes and types of fish you are interested in. We will let you know our current prices and availability. We will respond promptly!